Kode Google seluruh dunia
Hallo teman-teman dimanapun anda berada, bagaimana kabarnya hari ini ?! semoga baik2 saja yah dan tetap sehat wal afiat yah Amiiin
Kali ini penulis ingin berbagi info tentang kode-kode seluruh dunia yang digunakan di situs “Google” misalnya Google.com . Disini yang diterangkan tentang tulisan (Dot atau titik sebelum “com” nya). Nah contoh sederhananya adalah google yang beredar di Indonesia (Baca : Google.co.id)
Mungkin ada diantara kita yang tidak sadar bahwa di kode belakangnya bisa diganti lho teman-teman misalnya teman-teman ingin iseng2 karena mungkin teman2 ingin membuka info yang tidak ada di “google.com atau google.co.id”
Dibawah ini adalah Kode yang bisa diganti pada penggunaansearch engine google. Yuk silahkan disimak yah teman-teman kode-kode yang bisa kalian coba sendiri dimanapun hehehe
Dan jangan lupa untuk jalan2 ke tulisan2 kami lainnya yah Enjoy
SIlahkan disimaak
Afghanistan | AF |
Albania | AL |
Algeria | DZ |
American Samoa | AS |
Andorra | AD |
Angola | AO |
Anguilla | AI |
Antarctica | AQ |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG |
Argentina | AR |
Armenia | AM |
Aruba | AW |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Azerbaijan | AZ |
Bahamas | BS |
Bahrain | BH |
Bangladesh | BD |
Barbados | BB |
Belarus | BY |
Belgium | BE |
Belize | BZ |
Benin | BJ |
Bermuda | BM |
Bhutan | BT |
Bolivia | BO |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA |
Botswana | BW |
Bouvet Island | BV |
Brazil | BR |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO |
Brunei Darussalam | BN |
Bulgaria | BG |
Burkina Faso | BF |
Burundi | BI |
Cambodia | KH |
Cameroon | CM |
Canada | CA |
Cape Verde | CV |
Cayman Islands | KY |
Central African Republic | CF |
Chad | TD |
Chile | CL |
China | CN |
Christmas Island | CX |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC |
Colombia | CO |
Comoros | KM |
Congo | CG |
Congo, Democratic Republic | CD |
Cook Islands | CK |
Costa Rica | CR |
Cote d’Ivoire | CI |
Croatia | HR |
Cuba | CU |
Cyprus | CY |
Czech Republic | CZ |
Denmark | DK |
Djibouti | DJ |
Dominica | DM |
Dominican Republic | DO |
East Timor | TL |
Ecuador | EC |
Egypt | EG |
El Salvador | SV |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ |
Eritrea | ER |
Estonia | EE |
Ethiopia | ET |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FK |
Faroe Islands | FO |
Fiji | FJ |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
France, Metropolitan | FX |
French Guiana | GF |
French Polynesia | PF |
French Southern Territories | TF |
Gabon | GA |
Gambia | GM |
Georgia | GE |
Germany | DE |
Ghana | GH |
Gibraltar | GI |
Greece | GR |
Greenland | GL |
Grenada | GD |
Guadeloupe | GP |
Guam | GU |
Guatemala | GT |
Guinea | GN |
Guinea-Bissau | GW |
Guyana | GY |
Haiti | HT |
Heard and McDonald Islands | HM |
Honduras | HN |
Hong Kong | HK |
Hungary | HU |
Iceland | IS |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Iran | IR |
Iraq | IQ |
Ireland | IE |
Israel | IL |
Italy | IT |
Jamaica | JM |
Japan | JP |
Jordan | JO |
Kazakhstan | KZ |
Kenya | KE |
Kiribati | KI |
Kuwait | KW |
Kyrgyzstan | KG |
Lao People’s Democratic Republic | LA |
Latvia | LV |
Lebanon | LB |
Lesotho | LS |
Liberia | LR |
Libya | LY |
Liechtenstein | LI |
Lithuania | LT |
Luxembourg | LU |
Macau | MO |
Macedonia | MK |
Madagascar | MG |
Malawi | MW |
Malaysia | MY |
Maldives | MV |
Mali | ML |
Malta | MT |
Marshall Islands | MH |
Martinique | MQ |
Mauritania | MR |
Mauritius | MU |
Mayotte | YT |
Mexico | MX |
Micronesia | FM |
Moldova | MD |
Monaco | MC |
Mongolia | MN |
Montserrat | MS |
Morocco | MA |
Mozambique | MZ |
Myanmar | MM |
Namibia | NA |
Nauru | NR |
Nepal | NP |
Netherlands | NL |
Netherlands Antilles | AN |
New Caledonia | NC |
New Zealand | NZ |
Nicaragua | NI |
Niger | NE |
Nigeria | NG |
Niue | NU |
Norfolk Island | NF |
North Korea | KP |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP |
Norway | NO |
Oman | OM |
Pakistan | PK |
Palau | PW |
Palestinian Territory | PS |
Panama | PA |
Papua New Guinea | PG |
Paraguay | PY |
Peru | PE |
Philippines | PH |
Pitcairn | PN |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
Puerto Rico | PR |
Qatar | QA |
Reunion | RE |
Romania | RO |
Russian Federation | RU |
Rwanda | RW |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN |
Saint Lucia | LC |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC |
Samoa | WS |
San Marino | SM |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST |
Saudi Arabia | SA |
Senegal | SN |
Serbia and Montenegro | CS |
Seychelles | SC |
Sierra Leone | SL |
Singapore | SG |
Slovakia | SK |
Slovenia | SI |
Solomon Islands | SB |
Somalia | SO |
South Africa | ZA |
South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands | GS |
South Korea | KR |
Spain | ES |
Sri Lanka | LK |
St. Helena | SH |
St. Pierre and Miquelon | PM |
Sudan | SD |
Suriname | SR |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | SJ |
Swaziland | SZ |
Sweden | SE |
Switzerland | CH |
Syria | SY |
Taiwan | TW |
Tajikistan | TJ |
Tanzania | TZ |
Thailand | TH |
Togo | TG |
Tokelau | TK |
Tonga | TO |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT |
Tunisia | TN |
Turkey | TR |
Turkmenistan | TM |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC |
Tuvalu | TV |
Uganda | UG |
Ukraine | UA |
United Arab Emirates | AE |
United Kingdom | GB |
United States | US |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM |
Uruguay | UY |
Uzbekistan | UZ |
Vanuatu | VU |
Vatican | VA |
Venezuela | VE |
Viet Nam | VN |
Virgin Islands (British) | VG |
Virgin Islands (U.S.) | VI |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WF |
Western Sahara | EH |
Yemen | YE |
Zambia | ZM |
Zimbabwe | ZW |
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